17 February 2008

A few photos

I tacitly promised in my last post to include a phew fotos phor you in my next entry. Well, here are three that I think will interest one or two of you.

The snow pictures are fairly old story now that the weather has warmed up,
but I think some of you out there in the Great White North don't believe me when I say we had snow. In the first shot there are close to nine inches (229 millimeters) of fresh snow on the patio table, in the next photo taken exactly 24 hours later...it's gone! It IS the same table AND the same ruler - 12 inches long (I mean 30 cm, err that is, 300 mm!!

Is my math all wet?

The one with the 45 cup cakes shows what Eileen is doing on Sundays, and I help too. Today we helped out again and had 48 happy kids at Children's Church in Seven Oaks Alliance Church.

12 February 2008

February update

Right now it looks hopeful for an eventual spring here in the Fraser Valley. To us who are not used to anything below zero, this has been a cool to cold season with more snow than usual – I think.

Eileen and I are back to helping in Children’s Church on Sundays, to child care of our two exceptional granddaughters when needed and to long needed improvements in the kitchen pantry and the storage/clothes closets.

We are trying to build relationships with the people who live in our housing development. They organize several events each year at the Club House: dinners, breakfasts, corn roasts, etc. These are good for getting to know people. Eileen and I do a lot of walking and this has resulted in some good conversations with fellow-residents.

No photos for today.